Lifted Live at St Agnes Rooty Hill

On Thursday evening, 22nd February, St Agnes was well represented, with 28 students along with myself, Mr Sadsad, Ms Raad and Ms Brogan for the CYP Lifted Live event with one of our favourite singers and songwriters from ACYF... Fr Rob Galea!

He took us on a faith journey into his own life and revealed to us how God worked deeply in his life despite the countless times he failed to acknowledge it. Fr Rob invited us into praise and worship, using his own life as a testimony for the lyrics to all of his songs. He reminded us that although we may see ourselves as ordinary people, we were created for extraordinary things. This means we have the gift of the kingdom of heaven and we can do what we think is impossible possible if we allow the Holy Spirit to work through us.

Ruth Nool (9.5) shares, “Fr Rob Galea was truly inspiring and it helped strengthen my relationship with God. This event made such a huge impact on who I am today and my perspective of God”. Sometimes it takes a courageous ‘Yes’ to God, as Kyra Barcelon (8.1) affirms us, “I was contemplating whether or not I should go but decided to stay and that was one of the best decisions I have ever made. My experience in Lifted Live was something unforgettable. The praise and worship the teachings all somehow related to my life. This event truly changed my perspective of life and my attitude towards others. It taught me to treat others with respect and to stay true to my faith.”

We extend a big thank you to CYP and Fr Rob Galea for enriching our faith through music and prayer. St Agnes will continue to work in building up the capacity of all of our students in their faith formation.

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St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

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