Liturgy at St Agnes Rooty Hill

From the beginning of Term 2 (a total of 22 weeks thus far) we had a number of students who participated in the Sacramental Program here at St Agnes.

We had 12 students, from all year groups, who participated in the programme to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.

On Wednesday 7 October 2015 this sacramental group and their facilitators Mrs Habib and Ms Atkins walked to St Aidan’s Catholic Church in Rooty Hill. When we arrived we met with Fr Roy who spoke to the students about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. After a short period of time students had time to reflect. We had 4 students make their first Reconciliation. This was a very touching and proud moment for their facilitators as the students had worked hard in preparation for this Sacrament.

On Thursday 22 October we held a full school Mass where all candidates of the Sacramental Program made their confirmation and four students made their first Holy Communion. This was an important event in the schools liturgical calendar, as Bishop Emeritus Kevin Manning celebrated Mass with us and conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation for the 12 candidates.

Mrs Habib and Ms Atkins work hard during the year for these students and should be commended for preparing the students for this occasion.

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St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

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