School photo of St Agnes Rooty Hill

Last Friday St Agnes participated in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea to raise money for cancer research. The days before the big event were filled with preparation and excitement. The day was organised by Ms Zarebski and various committed students from each year group.

On the morning of 27th May 2015 the organisers arrived early in the morning to decorate the school in a sea of yellow, put up stalls, and blow up many, many balloons. By the time students arrived at school for the Biggest Morning Tea, wearing their yellow clothing, the fun begun. They purchased yellow ribbons, yellow flowers and yellow balloons, had their hair dyed yellow, fingernails and faces painted yellow all in support for Cancer.

With ‘yellow’ music blasting throughout the day we could never forget the reason for the day. We took a school photo at the end of the day to capture the whole schools excitement and happiness. When the photo is to be hung up it will be remembered as one of the most exciting days of our school life. At the end of the day we achieved our goal of the day, raising over $2,000, $2,227 to be exact to support those with cancer.

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St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

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