St Agnes Rooty Hill students

On Thursday 18 June Year 10 students travelled to Sydney Olympic Park to visit many of the one hundred and twenty exhibitors at the Western Sydney Careers Expo.

Students spent time walking through exhibitor stalls and speaking to various course providers about career paths and opportunities. Universities, TAFEs, the Australian Defence Force and numerous private colleges representing the arts, music, information technology and hospitality industries were visited.

Students also had the opportunity to sit and listen to seminar talks including those given by the Universities Admissions Centre, the Mathematics Association of NSW and the Academy of Interactive Entertainment.

Following this excursion, on Friday 19 June, the school held its first Careers Forum in the San Damiano Centre. The purpose of this day was to expand the thinking of the students about careers and career pathways. Students were divided into small groups and rotated between five presentations during the forum. The presentations were led by Australian Catholic University lecturers and current students, as well as a lecturer from the University of Western Sydney.

Students gained information on Business, Law and Health Science degrees, along with VET options and transitions and support provided in tertiary education and employment. Overall, both days were highly beneficial in providing relevant and timely information to the students that could be used to assist in their subject choices for Years 11 and 12.

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St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

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