Grant recipients at St Agnes Rooty Hill

Year 8 Geography students embarked on a Challenge Based Learning project where they were posed a problem and then worked together to find a solution to create and implement sustainable initiatives for our school.

Students researched how they could implement sustainable initiatives within the school, make contact with relevant companies that could help their cause and coordinate site meetings when needed.

Bailey Raymond and Jack Maddford were responsible for St Agnes receiving its first Water Refilling Station. Their aim was to raise awareness of water in our school community and the disposal of waste material.

The project saw the installation of a water refilling station that allows students to fill their water bottles with fresh, filtered water. It was aimed to reduce the amount of plastic bottles being thrown away, not just at school but also in waste dumps as students can now refill them rather than throw away the bottle and buy a new one.

This project has resulted in students being more conservative of water and reducing the amount of waste in our school community.

Bailey and Jack entered, and were successful, in a ‘Go Greener’ competition from a company called Interface which provided a $1000 grant for implementing sustainable initiatives in our school. Bailey and Jack received a cheque from Brendan Hogan from Interface on Monday.

The Water Refilling Station project will now proceed into a Facebook Voter Competition in September. A Facebook page will be developed for supporters to ‘like’ their initiative. The page with the highest ‘likes’ will receive a $20,000 refit of a classroom with products from the Interface Discovery Education Collection.

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St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

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