Frequently Asked Questions
What you need to know
St Agnes welcomes all applications for enrolments from students who have completed Year 10.
Contact the Administration Office for enrolment enquiries. All mid year enrolments will be considered by the Principal.
Enrolments for the following year are now being accepted. Learn more about how to enrol your child.
Students who are currently enrolled at St Agnes will have automatic entry into Year 11 and will begin to choose their subjects for the following year in Term 3. If the student will be taking an alternate path and leaving the school ie apprenticeships, the front office must be informed in writing.
St Agnes welcomes new enrolment applicants for Year 11.
Students who are not currently enrolled will need to complete an enrolment application form which is available to download from our 'How to Enrol' page. Alternatively the enrolment form can be collected from the school office or can be mailed on request by contacting the school on 8882 0700 weekdays between 8:00am and 3:00pm or by sending us an email.
New families will be contacted once the application is received to arrange an enrolment interview with the principal.
Students who are currently enrolled at St Agnes Catholic High School are granted automatic placement into Year 11.
Families applying for enrolment will be advised in writing following an interview with the school.
What do I need to do if my son or daughter is undecided about or not continuing at St Agnes in 2020?
We invite families to attend our Year 11 information sessions which will provide opportunities to learn more about Year 11 at St Agnes. Enrolment inquiries are also welcome by contacting the school via phone or email or visiting the school during school hours.
Existing families that decide to withdraw their child’s Year 11 automatic enrolment for the following year are required to inform the school of their decision in writing, before 30 September.
There are three levels of annual fees, billed in instalments during Terms 1, 2 and 3. These include Annual Diocesan Tuition Fees and the Diocesan Building Levy which are both set by Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) and School-based fees.
No student who meets the enrolment criteria will be refused enrolment or disadvantaged because of a family’s financial circumstance and genuine inability to pay fees.
Families experiencing financial difficulty or hardship are invited to speak confidentially with the school principal, Mrs Jeanette Holland about fee relief, extended payment plans and/or a financial scholarship.
Existing private and public transport routes for St Agnes students will continue.
The bus timetables for St Agnes can be found here.
No, however, as a Catholic school we have a strong religious dimension, and people of other faiths who wish to enrol, must be able to support and fully participate in the religious activities of the school. Please also refer to our enrolment policy for further information including enrolment priorities where spaces are limited.
The senior learning space is a new contemporary and state of the art learning facility that will serve the needs of our inaugural HSC class. We are working very closely with current students, teachers, Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) and an architectural company to design a space that is both functional and fluid to engage both students and teachers in the delivery of purposeful and agile learning.
A major refurbishment including the purchasing of new furniture, electronic displays and establishment of ‘inquiry hubs’ ensure we deliver a fresh, engaging and student centred learning space fit for our seniors. As part of the plans we will also incorporate an exclusive senior common room and functional cafe where students can gather to socialise, plan and study before, during and after school.
HSC subjects and courses may be provided as face-to-face, online and blended learning and/or a mixed mode of employment/study options. This will be determined by the needs of each student, resourcing and NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA) requirements. The requirements for each course will be detailed in the Subject Information Handbook.
Students will also require the use of their own personal laptop at school to supplement their learning. Both Windows or Mac operating systems are acceptable.
St Agnes is committed to ensuring a comprehensive range of courses are offered, and that they meet the needs and interests of students. We will offer multiple learning pathways for students including HSC, a wide range of vocational education courses including performing arts as well as early entry into university courses.
Subjects and courses will be outlined in the Subject Information Handbook which will be made available shortly. The Handbook will also provide details about course expectations, accessibility requirements and options so each student can discern their pattern of study.
List of Subjects on offer:
- Ancient History
- Biology
- Business Studies
- Ceramics (Non-Atar)
- Certificate II in Business (VET)
- Certificate II in Hospitality (VET)
- Certificate III in Retail Services (VET)
- Certificate III in Tourism, Travel and Events (VET)
- Chemistry
- Community and Family Studies
- Dance
- Design and Technology
- Drama
- Economics
- English Advanced
- English as an Additional Language or Dialect
- English Extension 1
- English Standard
- English Studies
- Exploring Early Childhood (Non-Atar)
- Food Technology
- Information Processes and Technology
- Italian
- Legal Studies
- Mathematics Advanced
- Mathematics Standard
- Modern History
- Music 1
- NSW School of Languages
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
- Photography, Video and Digital Imaging (Non-Atar)
- Physics
- Religion, Catholic Studies (Non-Atar)
- Statement of Attainment towards Certificate III in Information and Digital Technology (VET)
- Statement of Attainment towards Certificate III in Entertainment Industry (VET)
- Society and Culture
- Sports, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies (Non-Atar)
- Studies of Religion 1
- Studies of Religion 2
- Visual Arts
- Work Studies (Non-Atar)
- Certificate II in Construction Pathways (VET)
Senior students will be provided with various pathways to achieving their HSC including an HSC with ATAR, non-ATAR and Vocational patterns of study available.
Students from Year 10 to Year 12 will be wearing a Senior Uniform.