St Agnes celebrating Holy Week 2018

To begin our Holy Week journey, Rhiannon Soans (10.7), Kiera Everingham (10.2), Chanel Saliba (10.7) with Mr Sadsad and Ms Raad along with many schools in the Parramatta Diocese joined the Palm Sunday procession from Parramatta Town Hall to the St Patrick’s Cathedral.

Waving our school flag high with pride, we began the procession with a palm blessing from Bishop Vincent and proceeded to walk through Church street. Members of the public stopped to see what was going on as we became witnesses to the coming of Jesus to the people, to Jerusalem.

By Your mercy, we come to Your table
By Your grace, You are making us faithful
Lord, we remember You
And remembrance leads us to worship
And as we worship You
Our worship leads to communion
We respond to Your invitation, we remember You

The Palm Sunday Mass was a beautiful Eucharistic celebration, retelling the Passion story and preparing our hearts for the solemnity of the Passion story. A line from the song ‘Remembrance’ by Matt Maher sums up the very essence of how Christ brings us all into communion, through his love and sacrifice for each and every one of us.

On Holy Thursday, St Agnes celebrated the Easter story through the Journey to the Cross Passion Play. Prior to the performance Mrs Millwood and Ms Green along with 30 cast members practiced tirelessly in preparation for this liturgical celebration. Our school gathered in the back grass area to pray together and remember the greatest love story ever told, the story of our King who defeated death and made way for life with no end.

On Good Friday morning, the Journey to the Cross cast led the Stations of the Cross at St Aidan’s Parish Rooty Hill. The dedication and service of these students involved showed the St Agnes spirit of giving back to our community. Fr Alan Layt, Parish Priest and Mrs Carmen Cassar, Parishioner and Teaching Educator in Mission from the Catholic Education Office Diocese of Parramatta congratulated our students on their commitment and delivery, and a parishioner made the comment “The students made the Stations of the Cross reflection that much more meaningful this year. I hope to see them do this again next year”.

Congratulations once again to the students involved in this year’s Passion Play, for sharing our talents and gifts to bring our community to prayer and reflection this Easter.

St Agnes Rooty Hill

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St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

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