
Keep up-to-date with all the latest news from St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill, by reading our school newsletter.


  2024 TERM 2 Week 6

The latest news from St Agnes

  2024 Term 2 Week 3

The latest news from St Agnes

  Term 1 Issue 2 2024

What's happening at St Agnes.

  2024 Term 1 Issue 1

The latest news from St Agnes

  2023 Term 4 Issue 3

The last newsletter for 2023. Including the link to all our Academic Awards photos.

  2023 Term 4 Issue 2

The latest news at St Agnes!

  Term 4 Issue 1 2023

The latest news happening at St Agnes in Term 4

  Term 3 Issue 3 2023

Our final newsletter for Term 3 is brimming with the highlights of the events that have unfolded over the past few weeks

  Term 3 Week 6 2023

The latest news from St Agnes

  2023 Term 2 Issue 3

The latest news from Term 2

  Term 2 Week 3 2023

The latest news from St Agnes

  2023 TERM 1 ISSUE 3

The latest news from St Agnes

  2023 Term 1 Issue 1

Welcome to Term 1

  Term 4 Week 10

The latest news from St Agnes, including our Bethlehem Story, Academic Awards Ceremony.

  Term 3 Issue 3

The latest newsletter

  Term 3 Week 6 2022

The latest news in Term 3

  Term 2 Week 9 2022

The latest news from St Agnes

  Latest Newsletter Term 2 Week 6

The latest news from Term 2

  Term 2 Week 3 2022

The latest news from St Agnes